Monday, March 31, 2014

Managing Your Day-To-Day: Part 2 - Everyday Activites that Decrease Creativeness

 I tend to struggle with procrastinating and pushing things back towards the end of the day because "I have time later." Even doing and completing those tasks can hurt you in the long run, especially right before bedtime. Whether you work on these tasks or just even check social media before laying down at night, it can affect your sleep schedule by jogging your mind at a time when it should be winding down.

Futhermore, screen apnea can affect one at any point during the day. Computer screens, iPads and phones all can cause screen apnea, which is the phenomenon of holding one's breath when performing simple tasks that include a screen. As I type this, I am catching myself holding my breath. Breath-holding contributes significantly to stress-related diseases. Also, your body becomes more acidic, leading to your kidneys absorbing the sodium that is produced from the acidity. This all causes your oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitric oxide balance to be undermined, which throws off your biochemistry.

The biggest cause of this is the use of social media since most spend so much time looking at their screens. Use social media mindfully to not only decrease screen apnea, but to also not was time during your day that can be used on other creative tasks. Log-in with intention and set boundaries and why and when to check. This will free-up more time than you think during your day.

Other ways to improve your creativity lie within what you do in your free time. Hobbies such as gardening, painting and reading on your own terms improve creativity while also letting you do something that you enjoy. Even a blog, such as this one, takes creativeness to manage, while also promoting literary citizenship.

As always, follow me on Twitter: @2hundo


  1. I never knew of anything called screen apnea; that's interesting. I also put of my work till the wee hours of the night, and after four years of college, I can honestly say it has tremendously affected my stress levels and health. To top it all off, I typically procrastinate with video games! Spending hours in front of a screen and probably breathing shallow all the while. Double whammy :(

  2. I'm currently manning up to the computer and improving/lengthening my plays. Its hard to sit and focus but my graduating in May has caused some urgency to finish a couple things. But I'm managing and writing to say the least with the time that i have. 'Cuase it may be gone after I graduate.
